January 1925
fearfu l responsibility, first of all to God and to the souls of young people, boys and girls'. So w ith the Course of Study if not completely changed as was ordered to be done. Here th e annu al conference has th e grave responsibility. If tru e to Christ and th e Word of God th e annual conference can do nothing less th an throw out the whole Coursé of Study. Who so bold to dispute th a t? “Symbolic” is “ diabolic” in terp retation . It is so amaz ingly a lie th a t the fath e r of all lies alone could have in vented it. And th a t “sp iritual sense” of th e well-known Modernists in a ttitu d e to th e Word of God smells of the brim stone breath of the Evil Spirit. Who will lead in hold ing fast th e tru th ? -—Exchange. NOT ICE TO SUBSCRIBERS In accordance w ith the new plan which h as been adopted for The K ing’s Business,— viz., issuing it in two sections (a magazine section and Sunday School Lesson section), th e QUARTERLY S. S, LESSON SECTION will be mailed four times a year so as to reach subscribers in ample time, b u t the magazine itself will NOT BE ISSUED A MONTH IN ADVANCE as has been the custom. This change is 'most desirable from the standpoint of making editorial comment on cu rren t events, as well as for many other reasons which will suggest themselves to our readers. We are calling the atten tion of our readers to th is change at th is time, so th a t they will understand why the F eb ru ary issue reaches them about F eb ru ary 1st, instead of Ja n u ary 1st, as heretofore. was laid upon Him (Isa. 5 3 :5 ). He left us His .peace (John 14:2V). Love is th e outshining evidence of th e indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom. 5 :5 ) and is shed abroad in our hearts. P aul pleads for th e ,sa k e of the love of th e Spirit th a t they strive in prayer for him (Rom. 15 :30 ). We need to pray th a t mercy, peace and love be multiplied in us as His dear children. The flesh is weak. The. flesh is worldly. The flesh is wicked and w ilful; b u t prayer is the power th a t will aid us in securing th e desired multiplication of mercy, peace and love in our h earts for all saints, and for sinners also. (Note to teachers: The next lesson will be an exposition of v. 3, “Contending for the F a ith .” ) OUTLINE STUDIED IN THE BOOK OF JUDE .(Continued from page 32)
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