I t’s a Tremendous Responsibility to Own a Bible
There’s Work for Those Who Have Their Tools Ready
DO YOU WANT TO BE MORE USED OF GOD? S NEVER BEFORE the Lord o f the H a rvest calls fo r “LABORERS” who will be true to His W ord. V acan t pu lp its in all denom inations— needy fields a t home and abroad— cry ing need everywhere for personal w itnesses who know how to handle the Sword o f th e Spirit— apostasy and heresy spreading like wild fire— this is the p resen t situa tion ! W h a t a responsibility rests upon those who have the w itness of the S p irit!” W hen you know how to use you r Bible, you have power to touch the deepest hum an needs.
An Efficient Faculty to Train E fficien t C h ris tian Workers A Facu lty pledged to Evangelical teaching and opposed to unscrip tural extremes of all kinds. In terdenom inational in Directors, Facu lty and S tuden t Body. Splendid fireproof buildings w ith oyer 600 com fortable rooms, class rooms, aud ito rium seating 4,000, in heart of Los Angeles. Regu lar Course, two years o f two semesters each— P a s to r’s Course, th ree years. No tu ition fees— Board and room $8.00 per week.
Day and Evening Classes and Correspondence Courses
FACULTY Dr. R alph A tkinson, Rev. Jo h n H. H unter, Rev. W illiam H. Pike Rev. K eith L. B rooks, Dr. Jo h p M. M aclnnis Prof. H. W . K ellogg Dr. John M arvin Dean Dr. E rn est G. R aitt Rev. John A. H ubbard Prof. J. B. Trow bridge Prof. H. G. Tovey M rs. Besse D. McAnlis M iss M arie C arter M rs. A. L. Dennis C hristian M. Books M iss W ilm a K rag Prof. A rth u r A. B utler Rev. T. C. H orton,
A cting D ean Sec. of F aculty
Sec. E vening School
Sec. Cor. School
Write for Catalogue Containing Complete Information
W. R. H ale, .
BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hope St. Los Angeles, California
A ss’t. Superintendent
D. L. F oster,
S tudent Secretary
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