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j “T T TE ARE LIVING in a day in which extremes in religious thought Y Y and teaching are very prevalent. It requires heavenly wisdom to maintain a sound, safe and sane balance. On the one hand there is the extreme of modernism, with its denial of our historic fundamental truths, and on the other, the extreme views concerning Divine healing, tongues, and the baptism with the Holy Spirit taught by many who are otherwise fundamentally sound. “The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has never stood for extremes unless it is extreme conservatism. We have sought always to be Scrip' tural in our presentation of the Word. While we desire to be construe' tive in our work and teaching, there are times when a word of warning may be a duty. “Therefore, because of the widespread discussion concerning Divine healing, tongues and the baptismwith the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by ‘McPhersonism 1 and other extreme teachings, and because many of our friends are confused along these lines, we desire to state our position as follows: “x. Divine healing. We have always taught it and many times practiced it, but we do not approve of wholesale public healing meetings where large numbers of infirm people are necessarily sent away dis- appointed. “ 2 . Tongues. We find no Scriptural basis for the present day mani festation of the so-called gift of tongues, which is usually accompanied by intense emotionalism which renders its devotees less fit, physically at least, for Christian service. “ 3 . Baptismwith theHoly Spirit. We most heartilybelieve in andteach that the Third Person of the Trinity is. the One who empowers the Christian to live a life of victory and service. Whether His empowering be called a baptism, an infilling or an enduement is not essential. The essential thing is that He should thoroughly control the life of every Christian. “In some religious gatherings, meetings are held in which the people tarry and pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is commonly reported, however, that in some of those meetings those present have been guilty of disorderly conduct unbecoming Christian people, and having a tend ency to bring the religion of Jesus Christ into disrepute. We therefore believe that all Christians should be warned against these practices as being without any Scriptural basis to support them. “We would therefore urge our fellow-believers to stand fast in the faith, to hold without compromise the essential doctrines of Christianity, and to avoid becoming entangled in these extreme practices which tend to lead off into by-paths.” tr J
The foregoing statement is printed in pursuance of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles held November 7th, 1924.
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