TH E K I N G ’ S
January 1925
C o n t r i b u t e d A r t i c l e s n n n n n c S Hîlq?q?TOgff^q?S?q?q?TOq?q?q?q?TOq?S?S?-?q?q?1?1i?li?gSB5g5B5g5g5g5g5g5E5g5HSg5H5H5;5B5E555BSH5g5B5E5g5S5B5g5g5g5ag5g5g5E5HSH5B5g52Sg5;555B5g5g5B5E5BSg5Z5H5a Educating Moral Idiots I t is enlightening sometimes to look a t world conditions from th e viewpoint of th e secular press. The following editorial which appeared in th e “Los Angeles. Times” contains much food fo r though t in connection w ith th e p resen t wave of crime and lawlessness in our land, p articu larly among th e young.
terrib le deed would have been impossible.” Is the mere breeding of a boy th e end of a m an’s responsibility in a home? Why should not a fath e r as well as th e m other teach his child the high sanctities and responsibilities of life? The factor of money in our civilization is to be measured by th e wholesome influence it has on hum an life. Does it make its possessor more law-abiding? Does it make him a
LL the • decent m inds of th e country have been sta rtled and sickened by an unim aginable crime comm itted by members of the stud en t body of a g reat university. Two b rillian t idiot students for more th an a year made a “ study” of th e most b ru tal method of comm itting m urder on a harm less and inoffensive boy. Notw ithstanding th e ir attainm en ts in chem istry, th e ir facil
better neighbor? Does it make him more use ful to th e honorable business in stitu tion s of his community? Does it make him a more reliable American cit izen? If it does not do one or all of these things it is a deadly peril. Money is like any other g reat power, such as fire, electricity, or w ater. If m isap plied it is a menace. There is a h ea rt hun ger which m o n e y never satisfies. As proof, w itness th e list of suicides of m illion aires’ sons and daugh ters. Out of respect for th e innocent we w i t h h o l d n a m e s w h i c h we k n o w . Babson is surely rig h t in his constant insis tence th a t rich men and w o m e n do a w rong and dangerous th ing to th e ir sons and daughters in tu rn ing over indiscrim inately/ riches w h i c h these children h a v e n o t earned. Few such sons a n d d augh ters a r e either wise enough or unselfish enough to
ity in s e v e r a l lan guages, and th e ir so- called scholastic a t tainm ents, none b u t a moral idiot could have though t th e beastly th ing they d i d was sm art. This sickening tra g edy would not be wor thy in itself so much consideration if it did not throw th ree of the g reatest factors of civ ilization u p o n t h e screen. These th ree factors are home train ing, money, and educa tion. When righ tly adm inistered they are so im po rtan t as prop erly to be called pil lars of civilization. A nurse who had spent about two years in the home of one of the m urder monstrosities said th a t he did not lace his own shoes till he was 14 years of age. She also testified th a t he had a wonder ful mother who, pre sumably, died while he was yet a child. She said he was sm art mentally, b u t was al lowed to grow up with th e dom inant idea th a t
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make proper use of such wealth. Doubtless noble and wise sons and daughters of wealth could be pointed out. But th e re are others. Their records are in th e news pages. II. We have arrived at a tim e when th e word “ education” must be definitely qualified. Of w hat kind is it? In what
somebody must constantly be in his service and m ust be ex ploited fo r his own selfish pleasure. Was th ere any fath er in th a t home during those years? Or was th e man who sired him simply a business man who came and went? Did he try to show his child th e difference between rig h t and w rong? The nurse says: “ If th e boy’s mother had lived the
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