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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
«If there was a little girl with a flower, she would make a beeline to the little girl who wanted to present her with a flower,» Boudria said, chuckling. %VSJOHIJTZFBSTJOGFEFSBMQPMJUJDT #PVESJBNFUXJUI2VFFO&MJ[BCFUI**NPSF UIBOIBMGBEP[FOUJNFT5IFàSTUUJNFXBTJO &OHMBOEPO$PNNPOXFBMUI%BZ UIFTFDPOE Monday in March. Boudria was attending a parliamentary training session and the queen was present that day for meet-and-greets with all of the visiting parliamentarians from the Commonwealth countries. «She was very pleasant to all of us,» Boudria said. «It was quite something.» Other later occasions when Boudria met XJUIUIFRVFFOJODMVEFEUIF3PZBM7JTJU to Canada when he and his wife, Maryann, were constant companions for the Royal couple during their two-day stay at the Châ- teau Laurier in Ottawa. Boudria recalled that Prince Phillip «was always joking around and coming up with one-liners.» Boudria has had time to reflect on his past encounters and dealings with the late queen after hearing of her death on September 8. «I have fond, fond memories of her,» he said. «She has passed on, but the memories are still there. Her legacy, to us, was stability. 8FIBEIFSBTPVSRVFFOGPSTPNBOZZFBSTv Boudria had an immediate answer regar- ding the greatest character asset of Queen &MJ[BCFUI** «Her dedication,» he said, recalling the promise she made the people of the Com- monwealth when she was crowned queen in jUPCFBGBJUIGVMTFSWBOUPGUIF3FBMNv all the days of her life. «Boy, did she ever deliver,» said Boudria.»
Don Boudria will always remember Queen Elizabeth II as a very warm and friendly person. The former Liberal MP for Glengarry-Pres- cott-Russell had several encounters with the MBUF2VFFO&MJ[BCFUI**EVSJOHIJTZFBST on Parliament Hill. That included both the years when he sat as an MP and when he served as a cabinet minister under former prime minister Jean Chrétien. «The first thing you need to know is that she was not a complicated person,» said Boudria, during a phone interview September j4IFXBTQMFBTBOUMZJOGPSNBMv Boudria chuckled as he recall several ins- tances where the late queen ignored all the protocols set out by the entourage of royal advisors and chaperones that accompanied her on formal occasions, such as meetings with leaders or political representatives for Commonwealth countries and other nations. He recalled the first time he was scheduled UPNFFUGBDFUPGBDFXJUI2VFFO&MJ[BCFUI Her entourage had given him strict instruc- tions on how to behave in the presence of the queen and also what he was allowed and not allowed to do. One of the «forbidden acts» involved any sort of physical contact such as shaking hands or hugging. The queen herself ignored that rule during Boudria’s very first meeting with her. «The first thing shed id was to stick our her hand to shake hands with you,» he said, laughing. Boudria also recalled several instances of
Don Boudria (à gauche), jeune député, en compagnie du premier ministre de l’époque, Jean Chrétien, rencontre la reine Elizabeth II. C’est l’une des nombreuses rencontres que Boudria a eues avec la reine au cours de ses 21 années au gouvernement fédéral. —photo Don Boudria Facebook gallery
the consternation that the queen could so- metimes cause for her entourage, including
the security detail, when she was out in public for an informal Royal Tour occasion.
JOSEPH COPPOLINO joseph.coppolino@eap.on.ca
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Au lendemain du décès de la reine Elizabeth II, Gilles Chartrand réfléchit à l’influence de la souveraine dans le monde, mais aussi à l’impact qu’elle a eu sur les communautés majoritaire- ment francophones de l’est de l’Ontario. Parmi les millions de pièces que compte le Musée Clarence-Rockland de la rue Laurier, M. Chartrand, son fondateur et conservateur, a amassé une impressionnante collection d’articles et de souvenirs du règne de la défunte reine. Pendant deux décennies, cet archiviste bénévole autodidacte a documenté l’influence de la Couronne britannique dans sa ville natale. Des centaines de coupures de journaux, de photos, de livres et d’articles commémoratifs se trouvent sur les étagères du musée, soulignant les façons dont la SFJOF&MJ[BCFUI**FUTBGBNJMMFGPOUQBSUJF de l’histoire du Canada. j&MMFÊUBJUFYUSËNFNFOUBQQSÊDJÊFFU respectée et avait une influence incroyable non seulement au Canada, mais dans le NPOEFFOUJFS BEJU.$IBSUSBOE$SPZF[MF ou non, il y a beaucoup de monarchistes ici. » Se souvenir de la monarchie britannique dans l’est de l’Ontario est important pour M. Chartrand, malgré la communauté largement francophone et l’histoire de la couronne en matière de traitement de colonisation des peuples autochtones au Canada. j 2VF WPVT TPZF[ GSBODPQIPOF PV
le maire du canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet. Son engagement envers le service public et son leadership digne en période d’incer- titude ont été un exemple pour nous tous. /PVTOPVTKPJHOPOTBVYBVUSFTNFNCSFT du Commonwealth pour exprimer notre chagrin et nous présentons nos sincères condoléances à tous les membres de la famille royale». « For many, myself included, Her Majesty was a symbol for public service, a vocation to which she dedicated her entire life,» said Mayor Mario Zanth of the City of Clarence-Rockland. «Today we remember Her Majesty’s IJTUPSJD SFJHO BOE SFDPHOJ[F IFS NBOZ accomplishments. On behalf of the City of Clarence-Rockland’s Municipal Council and residents, I would like to offer our condo- lences to all members of the Royal Family and to all who are grieving today.» «It is with great sadness that we have received news of the death of Her Majesty 2VFFO&MJ[BCFUI** vTBJE.BZPS1JFSSF-FSPVY of Russell Township. «Her Majesty was both a gracious and dignified presence in her role, and she leaves an indelible mark on Canada and Canadians.» Mayors Paula Assaly of Hawkesbury and François St-Amour each expressed condolences.
Queen Elizabeth II died September 8 at her home in Balmoral Place, at the age of 96, after reigning over the Commonwealth for seven decades. Flags fly at half-mast at municipal buildings throughout Prescott-Russell as residents join the rest of Canada and the Commonwealth in mourning. Local community leaders paid tribute to the late queen on behalf of their constituents. «C’est une triste nouvelle, a déclaré Daniel Lafleur le maire de Casselman et aussi le président des contés unis de Pres- DPUUFU3VTTFMM&MMFBGBJUEFCPOOFTDIPTFT pour le Canada. C’est ce dont nous devons nous souvenir». «She was an icon for the whole world,» TBJE.BZPS3PCFSU,JSCZPG&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ 5PXOTIJQj8FFYUFOEPVSTZNQBUIJFTUPBMM of her family.» «Le canton de Champlain se joint aux autres membres du Commonwealth pour pleurer son décès et présente ses sincères condoléances à tous les membres de la GBNJMMFSPZBMFv EÊDMBSFMFNBJSF/PSNBOE Riopel. «Cette souveraine dévouée a contribué à GBÉPOOFSOPUSFIJTUPJSFBVDPVSTEFTFT années sur le trône, a declaré Yves Laviolte,
BOHMPQIPOF MBSFJOF&MJ[BCFUI**ÊUBJUMB reine du Canada. On ne peut pas le nier, a dit M. Chartrand. Ce musée est un lieu de recherche et d’apprentissage, et c’est l’his- UPJSFEV$BOBEB/PVTMBEPDVNFOUPOTv Avec le règne du roi Charles III en cours, M. Chartrand a hâte d’ajouter à son expo- sition de souvenirs royaux. M. Chartrand exposera les objets au musée au cours des deux prochaines semaines, alors que la SFJOF&MJ[BCFUI**TFSBDPNNÊNPSÊFFURVF le roi Charles III commencera ses fonctions royales en tant que chef d’État du Canada. Clarence-Rockland Museum curator Gilles Chartrand is digging up an impressive collection of stories related to Queen Elizabeth II and her connection to Eastern Ontario as a celebration of her life and influence. - photo Joseph Coppolino
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