Shannon Law Group April 2018

The VICP is not funded by tax dollars. Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the vaccines fund the VICP.

One of the anticipated benefits of this program is to give injured petitioners a fast-track to compensation. In state court, you could wait three or more years to resolve your case. However, in vaccine court, the early program petitions used to be adjudicated within two years on average. Today, they can take longer because the number of yearly petitions has tripled, while staffing at the Department of Justice has remained the same. As such, the fast-track has slowed. Moreover, one of the unique features of the VICP is that injured people do not pay any attorney fees even if they hire attorneys. All fees incurred by the attorneys are reimbursed through the program. As such, there is no downside to hiring a lawyer to present your case. Want to learn more? We have been publishing a number of articles on the VICP to further educate our clients and friends. We invite you to learn more about the VICP on our website at

We’ve expanded our practice to include helping those who have been injured as a result of side effects to vaccines. To address this issue, the government created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) in 1988 as a no-fault program for injuries caused by vaccinations.

-Jonathan Svitak

THE CUTTING-EDGE ISSUES We Can Obtain Justice for You

In this edition of our newsletter, I asked our lawyers to highlight the practice area that dominates their time these days. Since Patrick has been handling a number of cases where commercial driving companies have seriously injured our clients, I asked him to write an article regarding this subject. Jon has been working on a number of vaccine cases, so I asked him to review any trends in that area. Let me give you a broad picture of the cases where we can be of assistance. We are trial lawyers. Our job is to make sure our clients have their day in court. For the first eight years of my career, I worked for law firms who defended insurance companies and large self-insured companies. I defended truck and automobile manufacturers, trucking companies, and asbestos manufacturers. In fact, I took a lot of depositions of men who were dying from mesothelioma. My job was to make sure that these cases did not go to court. I needed to win the case out of court by way of motions to dismiss or summary judgment. That all changed in 1996. Since Emma was 2 and Clare was a newborn, I’ve been representing people who have been seriously injured and needed a lawyer on their side to even the playing field with the insurance companies and big law firms that represent

them. For over 22 years, I’ve been doing just that, and it has been a pleasure. A lot of those people we represented came to our door because you referred them. For that, we thank you. This year, we have made a conscious effort to stay on the cutting edge of the issues our clients face and to educate our clients and friends. To that end, we have published 32 articles and posted them on our website, We have continued to consult with the foremost experts in their fields to prove our clients’ cases in court. We know that when our clients hire us to

represent them, the case has just begun. Our job is not done until we have obtained justice on their behalf. Numerous trials are on the horizon for 2018 and 2019. Whether it’s a trucking case, a vaccine-injury case, a mesothelioma case, or a whistleblower case, we will be prepared and answer-ready for trial.


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