King's Business - 1957-08

The Follow-Through

figure of speech. W hen we are properly related to God through personal faith in Jesus Christ w e have been spiritually re- bom . This is what takes Chris­ tianity out o f the just-another- religion category. If God didn’t actually do something to the believer’s spirit then Christian­ ity would be a hollow mockery. You and I demand something beyond our own feeble efforts of reform. W e want something that changes us and makes pos­ sible a really meaningful life. Two views of God 3 :36 ) “ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him .” God is love (3 :1 6 ) but His justice is frighteningly unbend­ ing. W e have a natural tend­ ency to sincerely believe that if w e do our best to live an hon­ est and moral life that God . . . because He is love . . . w ill ac­ cept our good deeds and our good intentions. This reasoning has one rather unhappy defect: the Bible says it is utterly false. I once had a philosophy pro­ fessor at the University o f Cali­ fornia at Berkeley who quoted something I like very much. He said, “ According to the Bible man was created in the image o f God. N ow man has returned the compliment.” There’s a lot of truth in that. It is next to impossible for us to honestly believe that God is not like ourselves. That may sound strange at first but it’s true. The most refined philos­ ophy (or even the everyday variety you and I dabble in ) is sharply limited b y man’s fi­ nite mind. W e simply have no choice but to start with our­ selves and work outward. That’s w h y w e always end up with God being like ourselves. It is on ly when we forsake this ap­ proach and come to the Bible for truth that we find the true nature of God.

“ A t Westmont, spiritual and intellectual growth are combined to form attitudes that are basic to a dedicated life” — D. R.

A lthough W estm on t’s campus is reputed to be fabu lously beautifu l, yet beauty alone is not enough to make a college. It’s students like Don Rank in who make W estmont. Dynam ic Christian testimonies, radiant per­ sonalities, a prem ium on h igher le a r n in g . . . campus a liv ing organ ism . W estm on t graduates are adm itted to the Un iversity o f C a liforn ia and other lead ing Un iversities o f the w orld . App lica tions are now being received fo r the fa ll semester o f the 1957-58 college year. these are some o f the qualities that make a


* A side from being the student body president-elect for the 1957-58 school year, one of the places that will occupy much of D on ’s tim e w ill be the Chem­ istry lab where he is completing a chemistry major. This summer D on is with a group of student volunteers witnessing and min­ istering on the island of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands.

For a Catalog write to the registrar: W E S T M O N T C O L L E G E 955 La Paz Road • Santa Barbara, California Roger J. Voskuyl, Ph.D., President Leading Evangelical Christian College of the Southwest " O N T H E S H O R E S O F T H E B L U E P A C IF IC "

LOOK! Our newest Home, in Hong Kong, for Chinese orphan girls. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS 3939 N. Hamlin Ave., Dept. 11 Chicago 18, Illinois We need your prayer support in reaching homeless, helpless children for Christ. Our fields are Bei­ rut, Lebanon; Ramallah, Jordan; and Hong Kong.

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