King's Business - 1957-08



I competed in Norway, Yugo­ slavia, Germany. I guess the wildest thrill o f the 14 international com­ petitions I entered on this trip came at Oberstdorf, Germany. The jump there is the largest in the world. And it’s high. The peak stands some 600 feet above the outrun o f the jump. I was told 80,000 people were on hand to watch me jump. I plummeted down the icy run at an electronically clocked 85 miles an hour. I had to fjght to force my senses to keep pace with the scream o f the wind and the blur o f trees and snow and sky. L ean in g fo rw a rd , arms out­ stretched, I suddenly cleared the run. I was hurtling through thin, cold air. I had the feeling o f being in another world. Then it was over. The next day sports pages were headlining the story o f how I had jumped 416 feet. It set a new rec­ ord for Americans at Oberstdorf. Victory has a sweet smell. But afterwards it can be bitterly empty. I found it that way. When I allowed myself to think about it I knew that for me life had no real meaning. Through my mind kept running a jabbing question: What is the an­ swer to life? Back in America I visited my brother in Southern California. He took me to a Bible conference for college students at a place called Forest Home. I hated every minute o f it. Then on the last evening o f the conference the last speaker spoke one phrase that electrified me. It was, " Do you want to know the answer? Try Jesus, try Jesus." I don’t remember another thing the speaker said. I left the meeting confused. Alone I wandered for hours up the moun­ tainside. Finally I stopped, exhaust­ ed, under the mountain sky, bat­ tling against that voice, "Try Jesus, try Jesus.” Feeling like one who has been hunted and at last apprehended, I relaxed and there I did try Jesus. It’s been five years since that night high in the San Bernardino Moun­ tains, I have found in a very real, experimental way that Jesus Christ has satisfied the deep longings o f my heart. For me He has become the answer to life. END.


S Christian Day The trend toward Christian Day Schools in California is approaching the proportion of. a tidal wave! Christian parents are beginning to awaken to the fact that to educate their children without religious train­ ing is to train them with a purely secular perspective. The result of secularism is a generation of youth without moral truths and attitudes. No nation can stand long without this fountainhead of strength. In the wake of this movement toward Christian Day Schools is a tremen­ dous need for Christian teachers. Los Angeles Pacific College, realiz­ ing this need, has taken steps to ^ P u b l i c Schools LAPC is a full liberal arts college whose graduates are qualified for teaching credentials in the California public schools. Here, too, is an un­ precedented challenge. For many stu­ dents, the only moral influence they will ever receive will be from con­ tact with their Christian public school teachers. LAPC with her strong education department offers unlimited opportunity for those look­ ing forward to this career.


meet this emergency. Beginning with the fall term of the 1957-58 school year LAPC is adding to its curricu­ lum a special education department for the express purpose of preparing youth to fill these teaching positions in the Christian School. This pro­ gram is being developed in coopera­ tion with interdenominational Chris­ tian day school leaders. Graduates of this program are guaranteed positions in Christian Schools. This is truly a wonderful opportun­ ity to study for a worthwhile voca­ tion—and all this in the storybook setting of sunny California.

LAPC STUDENTS ore received for graduate study in the leading universities of the world. Investigate today this challenging opportunity. m a j o r s in .. . Education Pre- Social Sciences engineering Humanities Pre-medicine Mathematics Philosophy and Science Psychology Music Religion

For more complete description of courses and entrance requirements write to registrar. Los Angeles Pacific College 62 5 Coleman Avenue Los Angeles 42, California

The King's Business


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