Year group dates complete

– An Egyptian board game, Egyptian artefacts and their way of life. The Egyptologist will reveal secrets of mummification, from the death of a pharaoh, to tomb building and decorating, the mummification process, burial and finish with the crowning of the new Pharaoh. For this event it would be lovely for the children to dress up wearing an ‘Ancient Egyptian’ costume in order to get the most out of the history immersion experience. Costume ideas will be sent closer to the time.


Monday 15th th January 2023, Wednesday 17 th January 2023, Thursday 18th January 2023 – National Space Centre Visits - As part of our Space topic, Year 5 will be visiting The National Space Centre in Leicester. Whilst there, the children will be taking part in an Earth, Moon and Sun workshop, where the children will learn about the phases of the moon and create a model to use back in school during their lessons. They will also watch an

Tuesday 5 th March 2024, Wednesday 6 th March 2024, Thursday 7 th March 2024 – Year 5 Parent/carer workshops.

Thursday 29 th February 2024 – Year 5 Movie Night. Thursday 30 th March 2023 – Year 5 Tudor Day – During this event, children will be preparing and feasting on a Tudor inspired banquet. At the banquet, classes will be given the opportunity to perform a Tudor dance that they will have rehearsed in their PE lessons. There will also be other Tudor activities throughout the day, such as

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