Year group dates complete

Astronaut Planetarium show, as well as spending time looking around the rest of the Space Centre. Visit to Selly Manor- Thursday 14 th March 2024, Wednesday 20 th March 2024, Thursday 21 st March 2024 As part of the history detectives the children will complete their investigation by visiting a building that was built in the time of their learning. Using their historical detective skills will they be able to find clues and use their learnt historical facts.

archery and writing with a quill pen. Children will also be invited to attend school in Tudor attire to the authenticity of the day.

Friday 12th April 2024 - Rainforest Roadshow - As part of our Summer Term topic ‘Rainforest s ’, Year 5 will be having a fun packed Rainforest themed day. We enthusiast in school for the day, who visits the rainforest for will have a rainforest long periods of time every year! He will be sharing pictures, stories and bringing


Tuesday 11 th June 2024, Wednesday 12 th June 2024, Thursday 13 th June 2024 – Year 5 Parent/carer workshops.

Movie Night Year 5 Thursday 18 th April 2024 Thursday 18th July 2024 - Year 5 sports and ice- cream in Warley Woods.

everyday rainforest

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