of man. It is also a distinct refer ence to the sovereignty of God. There are both factors involved in the Word of God. It is “Whosoever will may come.” These are those who are “elect before the foundation of the earth.” Q. Sacramento, Calif. — "Please har monize verses two and five of Gala tians 6. One says, ‘Bear ye one anr other's burdens’ and the other de clares, ‘Every man shall bear his own burden.’ ” A. Whenever there seems to be a contradiction, be sure to watch the context closely. Sometimes one will need to check the original language. This is true here for the word bur den in verse two is different from the one in verse five. The first refers to things in which we can help oth ers. This does not necessarily mean taking care of the individual or his family all through life. We can cer tainly assist in the area of prayer in tercession. Verse five indicates that there are some specific things each person must bear himself. Sometimes this falls in the area of physical af fliction and suffiering. It is a won derful principle of the Christian life to be looking out for those places where we can lighten the heavy bur dens of a brother or sister in Christ. Q. Phoenix, Ariz. — ‘‘To what age should children obey their parents? The Bible tells us that they should, but when is this commitment fin ished?’’ A, There are two factors involved here. One is that children should be obedient; the other is that parents should be careful in their demands. Throughout our lives, regardless of our age, our parents can be sought for wise counsel and instruction with real spiritual profit and benefit. If our parents know Christ, they speak out of a wealth of practical experi ence. As long as a youth is under 10
the household roof, he should be obedient to the will of his parents. Nobody loves you with such a pure and unselfish love as do your par ents. When you establish your own home, taking on family responsibili ties yourself, you will want to be very careful in giving advice. Q. Tuc*on, Arii. — "Jesus said, ‘What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.’ Are sin ners included in this? I f sinners are divorced, are they not free to marry again?” A. Our Lord Jesus was emphasizing what God joined together. We are committed to the sovereignty of God, realizing that He also permits cer tain things to take place in the lives of sinners. It is not to two unbeliev ers joined in marriage to which our Lord has reference. The joining was of their own volition. We do not be lieve, however, that even sinners should be fast and loose about the matter of divorce. There should be sanctity and permanence in the mar riage bonds and relationships. It is true that divorce never condemns a person to hell. The damning sin is unbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Denver, Colo. — “What does James 1:8 mean in speaking of the ‘double- minded man’?” A. The Amplified New Testament gives this as “an uncertain, unstable, unreliable man.” Here is a person who lives without point, purpose or reason. God is not in all his think ing. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Q. Bellingham, Wash. — “Are Romans 12:19 and Ephesians 1:26 related? The first says, ‘Avenge not your selves, but rather give place to wrath.’ The other tells us, ‘Be ye angry, and sin not.’ ” A. Certain concepts here do go to gether. We must be careful, however,
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