E xperiences of others are usually the best examples for our own spiritual growth and admonition. As we examine Scripture, we can gain many wonderful applications to life from that of the Apostle Peter. He is often characterized as an individ ual who was an expert at doing the right things in the wrong way. So often we are confronted with the fact that Peter seemed to be full of mistakes. Yet, on the other side of the ledger, he was one of the few men through whom God began to turn the world upside-down. What tremendous power and influence he exerted for the Lord Jesus Christ! Most of us are probably fully con scious of our own mistakes and in adequacies. We perhaps long fo r the Lord to use us in some mighty and significant manner. Study carefully Peter s experiences and then realize that the One who did it 1900 years ago can certainly do it again through our own lives. One day John the Baptist was standing with two of his disciples. The Lord Jesus came walking to ward them. The clear-cut testimony was, “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.” The two followed Him, one of whom was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. The first thing he did, as soon as he found the Lord as his Saviour, was to seek out his brother Peter to 16
tell him the good news. He seemed insistent that Peter go and meet the Saviour for himself. I t is thrilling to see in Scripture how that those who find the Lord immediately get on the job of introducing others to Him. We ought to teach every Christian convert hojv to be a soul winner right after he is saved. When my wife was converted (be fore she became my wife), she was attending college. Because of her bad behaviour they threatened to dismiss her. A short time later she was so ill that they had to put her into a hospital. The girl in the bed next to her died. I t was probable that my wife had the same disease. In the next bed to her, on the other side, was a Christian girl. My wife gave her a rough time. The Christian girl didn’t give up and one day she led my wife to Christ. Right after that my wife got better. The one who was used to lead her to Christ urged her, “When you come to see me next week, bring along the first person whom you ve led to the Lord your self.” She did this, and it has made all the difference in the world in her ministry. Our job as Christians is to bring others to the Saviour. Simon Peter, as is true with all of us, from the human point of view, owed his experience of faith to quite a few people. No doubt in your life there were quite a number of in
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