Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11

as you seek to broaden your prayer ministry. S. Begin humbly, letting experience enlarge and guide you. Make your be­ ginning prayer, “Lord, teach me to pray.” 4. Form the habit of letting God im­ press upon you the things for which to pray. He will do it. Keep a list of those people and causes you do not want to forget. Pray for them regular­ ly and by name. 5. Write often to the missionaries telling them of your faithful remem­ brance. Ask them for other specific re­ quests. Share the information with others among your acquaintance. 6. Remember that not many words are needed. Take much time in waiting upon the Lord. In silence let Him speak to you asking that only His will be done. With the world shut out and in quietness we can draw very near to God. 1. Since we know not how to pray as we ought, let us seek to have “the Spirit himself make intercession for us.” Study the prayers found in the Bible and see the victories of those who were so engaged. Remember that we are taught that man ought always to pray and not faint. THE BIOLA HOUR OTHER STATES Albuquerque, New Mexico KARA 1310 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Caldwell-Boise KBFM 94.1 (FM) 8: KBFM 94.1 (FM) 7; KBGN 910 8: KBGN 910 7: Denver, Colorado KLIR 30 A.M. MTWTF 30 P.M. MTWTF 30 A.M. MTWTF 30 P.M. MTWTF 990 12:00 Noon MTWTF

This won’t be difficult; it will be im­ possible. Not only does Christ give us an example; He also gives us Himself and His Holy Spirit to work and to live out His example in us. We must live in a very special re­ lationship with the Saviour. This is described as loving Him more than anything or anyone else. The won­ derful fact is that if you love the Lord more than those nearest and dearest to you, you will discover that your love for them is even richer and deeper. What do you understand about taking up the cross? Some people refer to it as an illness or a family situation, or financial difficulties. They sigh very heavily and treat it as the heaviest weight in the uni­ verse. Remember that taking up your cross isn’t putting up with the un­ avoidable. The Lord Jesus took up His cross knowing full well what it meant. Joyfully and willingly He did it. He identified Himself with His Father’s will. This is what the Sav­ iour was requiring of Peter. Christ wanted him to be prepared to love Him more than anything or anyone else. He wanted Peter to be identi­ fied utterly and completely with His will. We are all to subject our will to His. We must make our lives ex­ pendable for the Lord. Ask yourself this important question, “Am I ready to follow Christ?” * People are really an enigma: they want to lire a long time, and yet no one want* to get old. * * * HOW TO PRAY FOR MISSIONS As we consider the missionary call of the world, let us not overlook the important opportunity and privilege we have as intercessors. 1. Decide that your prayer fellow­ ship will need to he consistent, as a binding duty. The problem is, “We have not because we ask not.” * *

Florida :00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 AAA. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 P.M. Sun.

Jacksonville-Orange Park, WAYR 550 1 Kansas City, Missouri KCCV 1510 Lapeer, Michigan WMPC 1230 Newton, Kansas KJRG 950 KJRG 92.3 (FM) Phoenix, Arixona KHEP 1280 KHEP 101.5 (FM) Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970 Tuscon, Arizona KAIR 1490 KAIR 1490

2. Select fixed days, hours, and times, making sure that they take the’ precedence over all other engagements


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