young mother breathed her last. The husband was broken-hearted. He devot ed his life to his daughter for in her he saw a replica of his beloved wife. She was the focal point of all of his dreams and aspirations. Then the day came in her life when she met a young man who won her affection. His was not a pure love, however, for he deceived her by devious means and eventually lured her into a life of immorality. Then he cast her off, a broken and de feated woman. Used and abused, she finally came to her senses and in tears returned home, seeking the refuge her father had provided through early years. Learning of the treachery of her paramour, the angered parent vowed, “If God Almighty hasn’t a hell for friends like him, He ought to make one.” Such is the obvious conclusion of men, morally speaking. Deep down within his soul there is the realization that some day sin must be punished, wrong must be righted, justice must triumph and right gain the victory. Looking to God’s Word, there we can see the sin, ruin, blasphemy, debauch ery, depravity and degradation of man. We, too, must agree that such would require a hell to right all the iniquities. Remember, however, God never sends anyone to hell. The condemnation is that which man himself brings upon himself through rejection of the Sav iour. For the Bible says, “He that be- lieveth not is condemned already (he has passed sentence upon himself) be cause he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 8:18). NOTHING BUT MUSH What a blessing it is to realize that faith is a connecting link between our finite needs and the infinite supply of our Almighty God! This is beautifully illustrated in the story about a mis sionary who was serving Christ deep in the jungle interiors, miles from modem civilization. One day she com pletely ran out of food. Already in poor health, she knew she would be unable to go on long without some type of nourishment. Praying earnestly for the Lord’s help, she saw her intercession miraculously answered as a native run ner brought her a large, totally unex pected package from home. When she
from the Lord, failing to think of Him, much less to. ask His forgiveness. He unll never turn us aside o r chide us for asking for His help, power and wis dom. The Bible gives us the positive assurance, “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9). SAVED BY THE KING When King Christian ruled Den mark, although 85 years of age, he still went for his daily walk through the city streets. His stature was erect and he was strong. Standing on the comer one day, waiting for a streetcar to pass, he quickly noticed two little girls, not more than four or five years of age who, oblivious to the oncoming train, 'started across the street. Those who sfood by were horror stricken for it looked as if the children surely would be hit; there was no time for the heavy streetcar to stop. Elderly King Chris tian leaped forward, grasping them by the arms and quickly lifting them to a place- of safety on the other side. A moment or two more and the little girls would have been crushed to death. 'Newspapers quickly picked up the sto ry. All of Denmark was justly proud of its heroic monarch. Through the years these girls, now grown to wo manhood, would explain how they had been saved by the King. To be rescued from such an awful impending fate is indeed wonderful. But let us not over look the fact that each one of us, re gardless of our station in life, is im periled by an infinitely greater destruc tion as the power of sin constantly bears down upon us. The King wants to rescue us. We can look to the Lord, however, and through His grace, as we place our faith and trust confident ly in Him, He lifts us from the path of eternal destruction and damnation. He places our feet upon the solid rock of eternal redemption. MORAL REASONING FOR HELL Two young people became united in marriage and earnestly looked forward to their first child. Through the months they prepared for the arrival with eager excitement and expectation. It was tragic, however, that as the beauti ful baby girl entered the world, the
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