homes and other essentials with the immigrants. The resulting shortage of food necessitated a ration rate at the lowest of any civilized country. Space came at a high premium. “It has been estimated that it has cost three thousand dollars to inte grate each immigrant into the econ omy of Israel. Thus, seven hundred thousand, immigrants will cost over two billion dollars before they are fully established as self-supporting and productive citizens of Israel. From only one source in the world could such a sum come at this time — from the pockets of American Jews. God gave them power to get wealth, so that their wealth would be available to establish and execute His covenant with Israel — the estab lishing of His people in their own land.” THE NORTH GIVES UP The situation in the north was different from that in the rest of the world. Hitler’s activities had covered much of that area and by 1945 there were six million less Jews for God to bring to Israel from the north. With the gates of Israel open the surviving remnants from the concen tration camps were soon on their way to Israel. Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslova kia and, in part, Rumania, permitted Jews to leave for Israel. But Russia, where now dwelt the second largest body of Jews in the world, Russia would not part with her Jews. An ticipating this, the language of the prophet concerning the north was, “I will sa y to the north, give up.” Delitsch, “Twini is the Hebrew word. It is in the imperative — give me, a command.” The command has not yet been given and over two million Jews remain either willingly or un willingly in Russia. Indications are that when God compels Russia to open her doors for the Jews to leave, the majority of them will take ad vantage of the opportunity.
FROM THE SOUTH Delitsch, “In the English transla tion of God’s promise through the Prophet Isaiah we read, ‘I will say . . . to the south, keep not back.' The Hebrew word is pronounced lit erally, altichlahi ‘do not restrain’ (hold back). This is also in the im perative, a command.” It indicates a condition in the south unfavorable to the Jews, but shows that God will lift any restraining hand that might be laid on them. Lange, “Of greater interest in this direction, however, is the fact that God mentions here an individ ual country by name. In the case of the other points of the compass He specifies — east, west, north, in that order. But tvhen He comes to the south, He does not mention that di rection. The English translation has obscured this interesting fact by substituting the word ‘south.’ The Hebrew, however, uses the word ‘teman,’ which is the Hebrew name of the country called in English Yemen. This is a southern country— it is not the Hebrew word for south.” Thus God has literally said here, “I will say to Yemen, keep not back.” Funk and Wagnall Encyclopedia: “Yemen is a land in the southwest part of the Arabian peninsula. It is bounded on the north by Saudi Ara bia, on the east by the Hadhramaut and on the south by the British pro tectorate of Aden. The Red Sea is the western boundary of Yemen.” In order to appreciate fully how realistic was the fulfillment of this prophecy, one must know something of the background of the Jews in Yemen. They were a remarkable community. Louis Hauff, “There is no definite historical record of when the Jews went to Yemen. Traditions place the time from forty-two years before the destruction of the first temple to as late as the first or sec ond century A.D. One story is that a large Jewish army had gone on an expedition into Arabia before the de- 31
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