taking in His blessings and never giving out. You can’t possibly really know the Lord unless you study your Bible. If we like to hear the kind words of appreciation from those we love, think how much more eminent ly deserving of gratitude is our per fect Lord for all of His goodness to us. Tell those you know about what you have found in Christ. You can hardly be a good advertisement for Him if you are constantly dour and moumful-looking. Whenever I brought a baby into the world, and it’s happened endless times through the years, as a doc tor, I wanted to hear it cry and make a sound. If it didn’t right away, I would slap it to get air into its lungs. Sometimes the Lord has to chasten us so that we can make a joyful noise unto His glory. This is such a universal Psalm. Notice the use of the word “all.” Every believer is given a specific talent or g ift that can be used for the glory of His name. God shows no favorites among His servants. All are treated alike in His mercy and grace. Any nationality, any age, any race—all may receive God’s gift of salvation. A fellow told me he was going to commit suicide by jumping off a pier. I suggested which one he should use in order to make certain. There the water was deepest. I further sug gested he wait until about two in the morning when nobody would be around to rescue him. As one final idea, I told him to fill all his pockets with rocks or lead and then, just be fore jumping, take several drinks of carbolic acid. “For after all,” I rea soned, “anything worth doing is worth doing well.” Can you imagine? He hung up on me. The next night, however, he came to the church where I was preaching and the Lord saved him. His problem was that he had been looking a t his troubles, sor rows and griefs rather than seeing the proper perspective of life.
There are specific rewards the Lord gives us for service, such as that for soul-winning. How He de lights to enrich those who belong to Him! He feeds us as “the sheep of His pasture.” We can just rest as a baby in His care. As we do, He gives us the peace that passeth human understanding. He invites us, with the Word of God, to experience the joy of personal and intimate fellow ship. The only way to love Him more is to draw near to Him. God doesn’t May I be a little smaller (In my own eyes make me so) That I may see Thee, Lord, only. Thy majestic Presence know. May I always be submissive, And do all my tasks with joy; Be a humble, yielded servant Whom no trifles can annoy. Jesus Christ! M y great Example! Thou the Holy One of God That from all of heav'n's glory Came, this sinful earth to trod; Gladly came to live and die for Poor, unthankful, stumbling men; Make me conscious of my smallness And of every secret sin. Cleanse me, oh, dear Father, cleanse me Through the blood of this, Thy Son, That I may be truly, humbly, Yielded to that Holy One. Use me Lord; I am thy servant; Thy desire my pleasure is. May I say, whate'er the duty, "T h is is but a task of H is." shut anybody out, regardless of the tribe or nation. There are many ways of serving the Lord. God wants us to look to Him for the way in which we are best qualified or talented. We are to enter into His gates with thanks giving. Think of the fact that we can dwell in the secret place of the Most High even here and now. Make God your home and live with Him for time and all eternity. 7 PRAYER OF A HOU SEW IFE — Gwen Congdon
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