Biola Broadcaster - 1966-11

Q. Toppenijh, Wash. — “Will you •please explain Ezekiel 1U:1-21. I be­ lieve it pertains to the Jew only and was fulfilled when Christ came. A friend of mine, however, disagrees A. There were certain elders of Is­ rael who came to Ezekiel realizing he was God’s spokesman. They listened to him with respect. They had de­ parted from the Lord. They had tak­ en idols into their hearts and had be­ come stumbling blocks of iniquity. God’s great message then as it is to­ day was “Return.” The people had thoughts above the Lord’s. It does not seem to refer to Christ’s com­ ing. The message of grave warning is for the day in which it was writ­ ten. Certainly there are some won­ derful spiritual applications which can be made here for our challenge and inspiration. Q. Harlowton, Montana — “I have a Christian friend who says he believes all the Bible but he’s puzzled by one thing: if Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit are one, and yet triune, why is God the only one of the three who knows when the end will be?” A. The mystery of the Trinity is one of infinite comprehension. We cannot fully understand the nature and person of God with our feeble minds. I t is interesting to consider Matthew 24:36 and Acts 1:7. Christ also testified, “I and my Father are one.” When here on earth He sub­ ordinated or subjected Himself to the will of the Father. While the Saviour divested Himself of His glory to take upon Him the form of a man, yet He was still very God of very God.

Q. Pasadena, Calif. — “WiU you please explain Hosea 6:2?” A. In this first of the minor proph­ ets, we find a tremendous message concerning the love of God which was spurned by faithless Israel. She is symbolically portrayed as the faith­ less wife. For a proper background to your question go back to 5:15. God the Son was revealed to Israel, and then returned to His place. They said, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” In a coming day, fol­ lowing the Rapture of the Church, they are going to acknowledge their transgressions. They will be sorely afflicted during th e T r ib u la tio n . Many expositors believe that when Israel comes to that place, Hosea 6:1, 2 are the very words they will utter in their confession. Many peo­ ple take the two days mentioned here as a thousand years each. It is, how­ ever, only a symbolic concept. What he means is that after a compara­ tively short time God will revive Israel nationally. The third day is that of resurrection. Q. Fullerton, Calif. — “Can you give me help on Matthew 22:11, where Jesus said, ‘Many are called, but few are chosen’? Does this mean that many who accept the Gospel are not chosen to eternal life and will finally be lost?” A. No, it does not mean this a t all. All who receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour will be eternally saved. The problem may arise over the word “called.” The Amplified New Testament gives the meaning as “invited.” This shows the free will 9

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