Oct 2022
Michelle O’Brien
5,364m 140Km 18 Days 16 People 2 Irish Bars 1 Incredible Experience!
Suspension Bridges, Yaks Trains, Culture and Superhuman Sherpa; Memorials, Mountain Peaks and Mind-bending Scenery. It is an absolute feast for the senses, with a scale and landscape that your
eyes struggle to make sense of. This trip has it all, and then some!
Feeling unusually brave one February morning, I booked the trip, solo, with a group of strangers! What followed was 7 months of strength, conditioning & cardio training, along with a nervous excitement, and at times, sheer terror! Self-deprecating as ever I talked myself in and out of the trip, several times, but those who know me better believed in me. Sept 27th I joined the crew at Dublin Airport and we were Kathmandu bound. An incredible group; fun, interesting and thoughtful people, with whom I would travel again in a heartbeat. The chats & craic up and down the mountain and the group setting made the long and extra-long days breeze by. So what do I say to someone on the cusp of stepping outside of their comfort zone? Go with it, you’re capable of far more than you give yourself credit for.
Dream Big & in Full Colour. Excite yourself, Challenge yourself and Take Risks. Back Yourself & Believe in Yourself.
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