Committee Charters
1. Committee Charters are prepared and approved by the Board. However, the Board may ask a newly formed Committee to recommend a draft Charter for Board review. 2. The Charter shall define the mission, goal and duties of the Committee and reference any applicable Association By-laws and constraints. 3. The General Manager is responsible for distribution of the Charter to each committee member prior to the first meeting of the Committee.
Composition and Quorum
1. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, all Standing Committees shall consist of not more than eleven (11) members. 2. Officers of all Committees, as applicable, whether Standing o r Ad Hoc, will be elected by the Committee as stated in its Charter. 3. Generally, a quorum will be a majority of the Committee membership. A quorum shall consist of 50% of the committee membership, plus one. A quorum is required to cast a vote on any issues, and the Chairperson may vote. Chairperson Responsibilities 1. The Chairperson shall establish any meeting schedule and is responsible for notifying members as to the time and place. Meeting schedules must be submitted by March 1 st for approval by the Board. 2. As appropriate, the Chairperson shall prepare, or cause to have prepared agendas for each meeting and distribute to the members prior to the meetings. 3. Minutes/notes of each meeting shall be prepared and submitted to the Board Secretary for timely posting in Association media.
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