March 15, 2021 Regular Meeting Directors Report

4. Recommendations from the Committee to the Board, requiring Board action, shall be made from the Chairperson to the Board, with copies to the General Manager. 5. The Chairperson is also responsible for providing a Committee update for publication in each addition of the Oracle (Association newsletter) as well as attending each Board meeting and providing an update of its activities to the Board and Association Owners. Board Liaison Responsibilities 1. A Board liaison, if assigned, serves as ex-officio, non-voting member of a Committee. 2. Board Liaisons are expected to attend all committee meetings. In the event they are not able to, they must request the backup attend in their place. 3. The liaison shall: a. Avoid exerting undue influence on the Committee but may advise the Committee on effects of the issue on the Association, staff responsibilities or other Committee functions. b. Keep the Committee apprised of current Board action, budgetary constraints, and activities of other Committees as they affect the Committee functions as appropriate. Specific Committees The Golf, Tennis, and Pickleball Committees shall approve all special events and tournaments for their sport, with the following exceptions: a. Board approval is required for all private Owner tournaments that are held on Saturday, Sunday or on a Holiday. b. Board approval is also required for all tournaments where the majority of tournament participants are non-Owners and consequently Owners are unable to have full use of the golf course or sport courts during the tournament play.

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