March 15, 2021 Regular Meeting Directors Report

etc.) will be deducted from the event proceeds and the net proceeds will be distributed to the named charity or appropriate Association Account. 3. ORPS-sponsored events offered at no charge that “pass the hat” for donations to the performers, or a specific activity or organization (i.e., Cathedral City High School Choir or Jazz Band, the Norwegian Dancers, etc.) may be approved by the Activities Director and are exempt from these requirements. The costs incurred by the Association for the event (room set-up and cleaning/damage) will be deducted from donations received and the balance distributed to the designated recipient. Purchase Order (PO) System

To define the use of a Purchase Order System. Policy:

To ensure there are proper controls over expenditures incurred, a purchase order system is used at the Resort. A purchase order system is used to document bids on products and services, to obtain approvals on those expenditures before the goods or services have been committed to, and to document instructions that Accounting will use once the invoice for the goods/services are received. Purchase orders should be used on all purchases over $100. All managers are encouraged to use a purchase order on purchases under $100 to improve the documentation provided to accounting. All Capital and Reserve purchases must be on a purchase order. Procedure: Obtain competitive bids, as necessary. All managers should get competitive bids on a regular basis, to ensure that the price to be paid for goods/services from multiple vendors is known and can be optimized. Complete the purchase order with vendor name, address, date of purchase or current date, description of goods/services, price including tax, shipping, and installation as applicable. The purchase order should also include the account number that the goods/services will be coded to and in what month(s) they should be incurred. In the event that an invoice is not received by month-end, the purchase

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