March 15, 2021 Regular Meeting Directors Report

(3) Ability to meet timelines to include delivery, starting, ending or other. (4) Ability to provide service and warranty support. (5) Availability of replacement parts.

(6) Ability to meet bidder qualification requirements. (7) Contractor/vendor who does business in local area. d. Vendor and contractor requirements: (1) Valid state and local licenses for the specified work.

(2) Liability insurance with ORPS named as an additional insured in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 or such higher sum as may be specified in the bid documents. (3) Proof of worker’s compensation insurance. (4) References – At least three clients/customers whom contractor/vendor has worked for in past two years unless the contractor/vendor has provided materials/services to ORPS within the last two years in a satisfactory manner.

Competitive Quotes (over $5,000 up to $50,000)

1. All purchases within an estimated cost/value over $5,000 up to $50,000 must be obtained with competitive quotes. Normally, three quotes should be obtained. 2. Formal specifications and contract documents are not required for purchases or services up to $5,000.00 unless deemed necessary by the General Manager. However, a complete description of the item or service requested is necessary to ensure the quotes are based on the same factors. Purchases over $5,000 and larger construction projects shall require legal review and/or execution of a construction services agreement, as approved by legal counsel. 3. The General Manager makes the purchase decision after obtaining a not to exceed (NTE) written approval or email approval from the Board. A

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