Once a transponder is de-activated, the offending vendor will be required to meet with the Director of Security and to pay a $20 re-activation fee prior to being re- admitted to the community. Habitual offenders, as determined by the Board of Directors of Outdoor Resort Palm Springs Owners’ Association, may be permanently barred from driving within the community. Periods of Inactivity Vendors who anticipate a period of inactivity of 60 days or longer may have their transponders voluntarily de-activated. During the period of de-activation, these vendors will not be required to pay quarterly fees which may become due (fees previously paid for the current quarter will not be refunded or otherwise credited). Any time after 60 days, the vendors may re-activate their transponders, without penalty, by paying the quarterly transponder fee (or pro-rated portion thereof). This section only applies to those vendors who voluntarily request de-activation of their transponders and not to those who simply let their transponders expire. Vendors who leave the program (none of the vendor’s vehicles enter the community for 90 days or longer) may rejoin the program without penalty by simply paying the current quarterly fee (or pro-rated portion thereof) and showing proof of a valid driver’s license and current vehicle insurance. These vendors may also re-enter the community up to three (3) times in a thirty-day period before being required to rejoin the vendor program.
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