Joint Board/Finance Meeting Thursday March 4, 2021 Virtual (Webinar/Phone) Minutes
Don Renoe, President Charlie Leahy, Vice-President Charles Hare, Treasurer Kathy McCune, Secretary
John Boudin, Director Greg Farmer- Director Doug German, Chairman - Finance Committee Paul Braconnier, Finance Committee
Bill Dietrich, Finance Committee Tony Pisto, Finance Committee Also Present: Ed Vitrano, General Manager Kristine Gonzalez, Controller Call to Order
Meeting called to order by President Renoe 9:36 am PT 2021-22 Budget - Finance Chairman Doug German opened the meeting by indicating that the Committee had a prior meeting with the GM and Controller, where a more detailed examination of the Preliminary Budget was conducted. GM Vitrano outlined some key points: 1. Last 12 months actual expenses were used to compare to current budget line items 2. In some cases, due to Covid impact on several line items, averaging of 2018/2019/2020 was used
3. Line Items over $1,000 are in “Other” but still be tracked 4. $1/month in increase or decrease generates $15,000 impact
5. $15/hour minimum wage had biggest impact with 1.5% wage increase in others to keep up with CPI 6. Forecast of Committee three years ago regarding increase of $11/$12/$13 per year was spot on 7. Ways to impact assessment:
a. Examine % of contingency b. Reduce utility increase of 3% c. Reduce capital funding
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