Music at Home+ Autumn 2022


The original N orth E ast A udio T raders Hi-FiStore

THEBEGINNING Bob Surgeonergrew up inCountyDurham and has been an ac om plished self-taughtm usician since histeenage years.In the 1980she found him selfin London,playing and touring with various bands, m ostnotablywithpost-punkensem ble,BrianBrain with PiL'sM artin Atkins. W hen he wasn'tworking asam usician,Bob began to repairand selsecond-hand audio equipm entto friends and acquaintances and when he m oved back up North,he decided to open a shop to continue this busines .Having acquired prem ises in Darlington, Bob founded N orth E ast A udio T raders . Busines wasbrisk and there wasa huge dem and forhighqualitysm al oudspeakers.Bob found that m anyofthe com pactm odelsthatpas ed through the shop had som e superb individualstrengths, but each had its own set of com prom ises that m ade long-term listening unsatisfactory.

Itwas decided thatthe shop would atem ptto m ake its own loudspeaker with the aim of producing a com prehensive m usical experience from acom pactenclosure. The firstatem ptwas,by Bob's own adm is ion, "prety terible", but after a few weeks of developm entwork,the speakerwasbeginning to sound veryrespectable.

This prototype,now named the Neat Petite, would be exhibited atthe HiFi News Penta HiFi Show in September 1990, where it atracted so much positive atention, that Bob m ade the decision to put the speaker into production.


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