Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

The design wastweaked furtherto iron-outsom e aspects of the design that Bob felt could be im proved and by Septem ber 1991, the ful production m odelwaslaunched.W ithin a couple ofyears,the Petite had established itselfasa firm favourite with the pres , trade and audio enthusiasts. A second m odel,the Critique,was launched in 1994,quicklyfolowed byNeat'sfirstfloorstanding speaker,the M ystique. By thistim e,Neatwasa ful-tim e m anufacturerof loudspeakers and the com pany m oved to new prem isesin Barnard Castle. Developm entofthe range continued and in 1995, the M KI version of the Petite introduced a ribbon-style tweeter to the design, lifting the

perform ance to even greaterheights.The Critique and M ystique were also im proved and two m ore floorstanding m odels ,the Elite and Vito,were introduced,ensuring thatNeathad astrong range of musicaly-engaging and atractive loudspeakers. THECOMPANYEXPANDS 2001 saw Neat'sam bitionsreach new heightswith the flagship Ultim atum range. These speakers were designed to deliver state-of-the-art perform ance with a m usicalcoherence to rivalany speakersavailable atanyprice.The range featured some distinctive design principles (including Isobaricbas loading,decoupled frontbaflesand top-mounted super tweeters) that made the Ultimatum speakers unique in the world of high-end audio.

Bob exhibiting athisfirst Heathrow PentaHi-FiShow


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