The range was updated in 2011 and HiFi Plusm agazine wrote ofthe XL10:
"Theirflawles portrayalofthe sonicsalowed the m usicto gel and cohere so convincinglythat the result was the most persuasive Ihave encountered in m yroom to date" As the com pany grew, new and larger prem ises were required and in 2004,Neat moved acros town to Harmire Enterprise Park where they stil reside today (though the unithasbeen doubled in size since the move!) Perhaps the m ost significant developm ent forthe com panywasthe introduction ofthe M otive range in 2005.This was Neat's first entry into the m ore afordable m ainstream audio m arket and proved to be a huge suc es ,bringing the Neatsound to awider audience than everbefore. Revised in 2013, the M otive rem ains trem endouslypopularto thisday. Thegap betweentheM otiveand Ultim atum was bridged by the Momentum series, which used the Isobaric loading from its biggerbrothers with the tweeterfrom the M otive range. Again, these speakers proved to be extrem ely popular and cem ented Neat's position asone ofthe m osthighly-regarded British loudspeakerm anufacturers. The Momentum loudspeakers were available from 2007 until2020,when itwas replaced bythe new STRATA range. There are four STRATA m odels, M inistra, Ekstra, M ajistra and O rkestra al featuring the halm arks ofNeat's higher-end m odels (Isobaric bas ,ribbon tweeters,decoupled bafle).
The NeatXL10
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