Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

IOTA In 2011,Neatlaunched a groundbreaking new m odel, the IO TA. The Iota delivers a huge soundstage and innately m usicalperform ance from an alm ostim pos ibly sm al cabinet. The originalIota m odelled to a new range thatis unique in conceptand m usicalperform ance. The Iota can be used asa m ain stereo speaker in situations where space is lim ited - on bookshelves, desktops, or m ounted on wal brackets. It can be also be used very sucesfuly in Home Theatre/Suround systems. Thistinyspeakerhasbeenacontinuing suc es , and the idea of a low-slung floor standing versionhad beenconsidered byNeateversince its introduction.Al thatwas neces ary forthe new m odel was to retain the exceptional abiltiesofthe Iotaand build on these in afloor standing configuration. Thisiseasiersaid than done,ofcourse,butthe Iota ALPHA hasexceeded al expectationsand has re-defined the concept of the com pact floorstanding loudspeaker. The idea ofthe Alpha istaken to a largerscale in the Xplorer.Itkeeps the sam e form as the Alpha,in a largercabinet,using Ultim atum LF and LF/Midrange units featuring iso-baric loading and an ‘Air M otion Transform er HF’ unit. The Xplorer is stil a relatively sm al speaker,at 74cm tal,but delivers a dynam ic and uncompresed ful-range room filing perform ance. After m ore than thirty years in the busines , Neatisstilgrowing and curentlyhasaportfolio ofsixteen speakers with m odels ranging from the tinyIotato the m agnificentXL10. W ith latest version of the Neat Petite, the com pany islooking to the future (with one eye on the past)and 2023 wil see the introduction ofnew and exciting productsasNeatcontinues to develop and im prove itsproducts.

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