Music at Home+ Autumn 2022


The Clas ic series of products from Cyrus have been a popular choice for many Audio T custom ers for over a decade. The half width designed products are un-m istakenly Cyrus,and with this latest announcem ent,it looks like the Clas icseriesisonlygeting beter. Cyrushasannounced the launch oftwo m odels,in whatwilbecom earangeofproductsinthenew and im proved Clas ic series. The Clas ic AM P, an integrated am plifierand theClas icPRE pream plifier dem onstrate a com m itm entfrom Cyrus to its loyal custom ers,because from the outside,you wilsee a veryfam ilarlook.

That is where the sim ilarities end though. The circuit design has been com pletely re-designed and the m ajority ofthe internalcom ponentshave been upgraded bythe CyrusR&D team ,which has resulted in sound im provem entsthatwil help the Clas ic series retain a loyalfan base foryears to come. The new Clas icAM P & PRE are available to order now,alternatively book a dem o ses ion with your nearestAudio T store.Furtherm odelsin the range including astream er(BluO S)wilbecom e available overthe next18 m onths.

“Itwasaconsciousdecision to keep the lookofthe Clas icseries,wel justthat… Clas ic.Theseproductsareveryim portantto Cyrus,theyare a partofourDNA,so when we had the opportunity to m ake them even beterusing knowledge gained from the developm entofthe XR series,itm ade perfectsense.” said ChrisHutcheson,Head ofM arketing


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