The f lagship Acoustic Energy 500 Series,com prises three m odels,the AE500 stand-m ount,the AE509 and AE520 f loor-standers and boast their newly developed carbon f ibre tweeters and m id/bas drivers,designed to m atchthepistonicpowerand ac uracyofAcousticEnergy’slegendary ceram icalum inium driversbutwith im proved self-dam ping forasm oother,m ore transparentsound.
The new 500 Series tweeterfeatures a brand new 25m m carbon fibre dom e. Carbon fibre is m uch lighterand beterdam ped than othertypicalhard dom e m aterialsand providesalightning fast,natural sound which wil surprise the listener with its neutrality.The new castalum inium W DT waveguide on the high frequency driveris positioned close to the m id/bas driverforoptim um dispersion and is extrem ely stif to reduce vibration being pas ed to the tweeter,ensuring sweet,clearand naturalhighs. The 125m m m id/bas driversinclude new oversized 35m m voice coilsforlow therm alcom pres ion and very high m otor force factor to provide a highly dynam ic yetcontroled bas response.The woofer hasan optim ised m otorand suspension system for m axim um linearity and lowest distortion ensuring m id-range definition,whilstthe lightweightnature of the carbon fibre cone m aterialincreases transient speed and clarity.
The AE509 is a M id Tweeter M id/bas (M TM ) driverlayoutwith a 2 way cros overusing high voltage polypropylene film wound capacitorsand aircore inductorsatcriticallocationsforoptim um dispersion through a sm aleracoustic source size within the cros overregion. The AE520 features two dedicated 125mm m id-range drivers, three low frequency drivers and a 25m m tweeter.The two dedicated 125m m carbon fibre m id-drivers include new oversized 35m m voice coils for low therm alcom pres ion and optim um m otor force factor. Both are m ounted within their own dedicated sealed enclosure whilst the three dedicated low frequencydriversare reflexloaded byalarge rear facing rectangularport. These unique drivers are housed in a new Resonance Suppres ion Com posite (RSC)cabinet
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