Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

evolved from the prestigious Reference Series and featuring the sam e constrained layer com posite to greatlyreduce cabinetacousticradiation,which would otherwisecolourthesound.Thecabinetsarefinished in high glos Piano Black, Piano W hite or Am erican W alnutwood veneerfinishes.Alum inium bars/feetare supplied with the AE509sto ensure rigid floor-coupling and m axim um stabilty whilstthe stifnes ofthe m etal structure reducesthe room to speakerinteraction. O fering unparaleled levels of perform ance, quality and value the resultisa loudspeakerrange with clean, unclutered lines delivering a thriling and powerful presentation discerning Acoustic Energy owners have com e to expectforover30 years. Resonance Suppres ion Com positee TM (RSC)Technology. The RSC Cabinet technology utilsed by Acoustic Energy in ourprem ium rangesisa sandwhich ofM DF and rubber,com pres ed together to form an inhert com posite m aterial that is both easy to craft into cabinet designs and efective at dam ping harm ful vibrations that could otherwise colour musical reproductions.

AE500 The AE500 is a com pact stand-m ount loudspeakerfrom ourflagship 500 Series. Folowing on from the award winning AE100 and AE300, the AE500 ofers a significant step up in audio quality, m aterials, and cabinet finish. The 500 Series features our newly developed carbon fibre tweeterand m id/bas drivers, designed to m atch the pistonicpowerand acuracy of our legendary ceramic aluminium drivers but with improved self-damping for a smoother, more transparentsound. Ofering unparaleled levels of perform ance,qualityand value the resultis an audio productwith clean,unclutered lines delivering a thriling and powerful presentation discerning Acoustic Energy owners have com e to expectforover30 years.

Finished in a choice ofPiano Glos Black,Piano Glos W hite or Am erican W alnut wood veneer finishes, the AE500 wileasilyintegrate within anyhom e décorplaced on speakerstandsorbookshelves.


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