Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

AE509 The AE509 is a slim -line floor-standing loudspeaker with com pact dim ensions, suitable form edium to large sized room s. Sim ilar to the AE500 com parison, the AE509 ofers higher levels of perform anceand finishthanits300Series equivalent.The 500 Series features our newly developed carbon fibre tweeters and m id/bas drivers,designed to m atch the pistonic powerand ac uracy ofour legendary ceram ic alum inium driversbut with improved self-damping for a sm oother,m ore transparentsound. Ofering unparaleled levels of perform ance,qualityand value the result is an audio product with clean, unclutered linesdelivering athriling and powerful presentation discerning Acoustic Energy owners have com e to expectforover30 years. The slim-line cabinets are finished in Piano Glos Black,Piano Glos W hite or Am erican W alnut wood veneer finishes. Solid Alum inium bars are supplied to ensure rigid floor-coupling and m axim um stabilty,whilstthe stifnes ofthe m etal structure reduces the room to speaker interaction.

Heavydutyalum innium floorspike ofthe AE509


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