AE520 The AE520 is a powerful, slim-line, floor-standing loudspeakerwhich buildson the AE500 and AE509 m odels to firm ly establish itselfasthe brand’snew flagship, featuring m ulti-driverdesign,im posing size and perform ance. The AE520 featurestwo dedicated 125m m m id-range drivers, three low frequency driversand a25m m tweeter–alfashioned from carbon fibre to provide perfecttonal m atching acros the frequencyrange. The two dedicated 125mm carbon fibre m id-drivers include new oversized 35m m voice coils for low therm al com pres ion and optim um m otorforce factor.Both are mounted within their own dedicated sealed enclosurewhilstthethreededicated low frequencydriversarereflexloaded bya large rear facing rectangular port. Designed to m atch the pistonicpowerand acuracy of our legendary ceramic alum inium drivers, these new units ofer much improved self-damping for a sm oother,m ore transparentsound. Verticaldirectivity has been optim ised to provide excelent verticalcoverage whilst reducing the energy otherwise wasted on ceilng and floor reflections when com pared to traditionaldesigns. The slim -line cabinetsare finished in Piano Glos Black, Piano Glos White or Am erican W alnut wood veneer finishes. Solid Aluminium bars are supplied to ensure rigid floor-coupling and m axim um stabilty, whilst the stifnes of the m etal structure reduces the room to speaker interaction.
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