Music at Home+ Autumn 2022



CanYouRealyHavetheBestofBothW orlds?

ByElenaTzouliou from Audio T Enfield

Iwasborn into thisworld in 1995,m aking m e a “M ilennial”,a term thatgeneraly refers to the generation of people born between the early 1980s and 1990s. I, like so m any of m y generation,have grown up in an era not only between analogue and digitalm edium s,butalso physicaland stream ed.You could say,w e “bridge the gap”,between form ats. I’veowned acas etewalkm an,CD players,anM P3 playerand iPodsin variousincarnations… O verthe course ofm ylife,m ostform sofentertainm enthave gone from physicalto digitaly stream ed.Itdidn’t happenovernightofcourse.Bitbybittheanalogue faded form any and the stream ing took over,and before I(oranyofusknew it),we were im m ersed in new age technology in m any aspects ofourlives, particularly in m usic. Today,we’l be exploring the conceptsofphysical and digitalystream ed m usicusing alovelypiece of equipm entthat’sdesigned to give you the bestof both,butcan we realyhave ital?

I’ve often m etcustom erswho are struggling with whether or not to upgrade and digitise their curentanalogue system .They frequently tel m e, “I’ve gotrid ofm y CDs” or“M y otherhalf/kids want to be able to quickly stream from their phones”, and proceed to ask for advice – questions such as,“W hat’s the bestdecision for m ysystem and/orhousehold?” or“Isthere a way to keep my curent system and just add stream ing?”or“Is100% digitalthe wayforward?” There are thingsto consider… Physicalm ediacom esinm anyform ats–W eareal too fam ilarwith records,especialywith the “Vinyl Revival”showing increased popularityand salesin vinylrecords yearon yearsince 2007.Even the humble casete tape is starting to see a renais ance within youngerconsum ers,no doubt in the wake ofvinyl's enorm ous resurgence.CDs are yet to m ake their com eback, with digital streaming making up to 85% of music consum ption,and vinylrecords outseling those shiny discs for the first tim e in alm ost three


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