So,whicheverone you use iscom pletelyapersonal choice.
Next, I played the sam e tracks on CD. O nce inserted,it’sa sim ple case ofpres ing the “source” butonontherem otecontrol,and itinstantlyflicked overto the CD source.Ilistened carefuly to hear the diferences, and adm itedly, the songs I stream ed throughTidalsounded alm ostidenticalto the CD,butthe laterdefinitelyseem ed to have the upperhand.Itwas thatlitle bitm ore crisp,open and detailed.So far,I’m m ajorlyim pres ed!
Aftera while oflistening,switching back and forth between Bluetooth and CD, I becam e curious aboutwhatvinylwould sound like.Iplugged in a Rega Planar3 exact,and again played the sam e tracks to hearany diferences (like Isaid before,I have everyform atofthisparticularalbum ,so Iwas wel-prepared). I found that every detail was broughtforward asthe stylusm oved between the grooves.Thistim e,the diferenceswere extrem ely
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