“The DALI KORE represents for DALI a design, electroacoustic, engineering, m anufacturing and m usical rebirth” - LarsW ore,DALICEO
Danish Hi-Fi m anufacturer, DALI, returns to the ultra-high-end loudspeakersegm entwith theirnew flagship loudspeaker. The DALI KORE is a masterpiece of stunning visual design and ground-breaking technology, representing the pinnacle of DALI’s loudspeaker traditions and decades ofresearch.Staying true to the renowned DALIsound principles,the KO RE draws on a rich bloodline ofDALIhigh-end loudspeakersthathave been pushing the boundariesofloudspeakerdesign and technologysince 1983.
Unlike m any high-end statem ent loudspeakers, the DALIKO RE reproducesm usic thatisasclose to the originalrecording aspos ible.W ith virtualy no distortion or colouration, nothing is added, and nothing is subtracted. DALI KO RE is the ultim ate expres ion of DALI’s low los sound principle.From the quietestbreath to the largest orchestral climax, it recreates every musical nuance with true fidelity and seem ingly endles dynam icresponse,atanyvolum e.
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