The KO RE’snew high-sensitivity EVO -K Hybrid Tweeter is an evolution of the acknowledged DALI Hybrid Tweeter m odule.The unique com bination ofa large in-house designed and m anufactured 35 m m dom e,and a new high sensitivity version of the ribbon element, creates an ideal tweeter elem ent.The m idrange driveris DALI’s firstdedicated m idrange thathasbeen built from the ground up. This large, high-sensitivity,7-inch driver features a range oftechnologicalinnovations and brings natural warm th and m usical coherence to the al-important m idrange frequencies. The bespoke design twin 11½-inch bas drivers feature the new dualvoice-coilBalanced Drive technologyand DALI’slatestSM C Gen-2 m aterial.Together,they create a powerful perform ance with ultra-low levelsofdistortion thatletyou hearand feeleverylow-frequencydetail. From the as em bly of the drivers, tweetersand cros overs,to the cabinet construction and lacquering,the DALI KO RE is m anufactured exclusively at DALI’s production facilties in N ørager, Denmark. KORE is a clear dem onstration that DALI, along with Danish design, engineering, and m anufacturing,stands am ong the best that the world has to ofer.The DALI KORE is an unashamedly ambitious high-end Hi-Fispeaker,and the ultim ate expres ion ofDALI’spas ion form usic. The DALIKO RE introducesaworld first; the brand-new DALIpatented Balanced Drive SM C technology, a new driver topology utilsed on the woofers and the m idrange.Thistechnologycreatesa perfectly linear and symmetrical loudspeaker m otor system , free from the inherent magnetic loses and thereby drasticaly lowering harmonic distortion and compresion, and significantly enhancing the dynamic capabilties.
For m ore inform ation, speak to your local Audio T showroom .DALIcan be found in-store at-
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