“OCXO clocksarefound onalotofhigh end DACs because they are am ong the m ostac urate available”
halfwidth caseworkand Innuos’distinctive stealth styling on the frontpanel,butaround the back thingsare ratherdiferent.Thisunithasfour,just four,chunky ethernetports.Thisgivesyou som e ideaofhow dedicated the PhoenixNetisto audio duties,itwil work as a generalswitch butonly just.Forone thing ithasm axim um throughputof 100M b where al com m ercialswitches are good for a gigabit,you don’t need high speeds for audio signalsand adding thecapabiltyintroduces noise,which isvery clearly the enem y.Inside the caseonaveryneatlylaid outcircuitboard youwil notfind trafic prioritisation circuity norswitching regulatorsbecause neitherare required foraudio signals.Neither is there any opticaldecoupling which is a popular m ethod for isolating noise, Innuosfound thatthe decoding proces required to turn light into an electricalsignalintroduced m ore noise than they were able to achieve with purelycopperconnections. W hatyou do see are gold plated tracks,M undorf caps in the two linearpowersupplies,Nichicon capsforthe switch chip and an O CXO clockright nextto it.O CXO clocksare found on alotofhigh
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