The Q utestLitle System The com pactsolution from Chord Electronics
O nce unthinkable, Chord Electronics’ clas -leading proprietary analogue (and digital) technology is now available in devices no longer than your hand. Technology’s m iniaturisation m arch hashelped deliverpetite,fulyfunctioning productswith cuting-edge tech and room -f iling abilities.
The com pacttrend,once the preserve ofthe m obile m usic lover, has now benefited m ilionsofpeople around the world living in today’s sm aler living spaces,from com pact city apartm ents to ever-shrinking new-build homes. W ith the rightengineering,it’snow pos ible to geta powerfulhi-fisystem ,with enough oom ph to drive al m anner of com pact speakers and headphones, without com prom ising perform ance. Chord Electronics’ Qutest range is considered by m any as the perfect sm al system . The Kent com pany’s three-strong range of com ponents: the Anni desktop integrated am plifier,Hueiphono stage and Q utestDAC join forcesto create a knockout
system fordesktops,sideboards,bookshelvesand m ore, capable ofroom -filing,hi-fisound from turntablesand alm ostaldigitaldevices. The Qutest system enables playback through loudspeakers or up to two pairs of headphones (for private orlate-nightlistening)courtesy ofthe recently launched Anniam plifier. Anni’s dualinputs alow the Hueiphono stage to connectto turntables,plusa world of digital playback from connected sm art phones, tablets, laptops, PCs and more via the m ulti-award-winning Q utestDAC. W ith al three Q utest com ponents achieving five star reviewsthrough to Productofthe Yearand W hatHi-Fi? Awards,the com bined Q utest stack ofers audiophile sound qualityfrom athree-device system no biggerthan ashoebox.
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