Q SS:Q utestStand System Storing, displaying and protecting the Q utest com ponents is sim ple, with the dedicated Q utest Stand System (Q SS) available separately, which has been purpose-m adeto notonlyperfectlyhouse the individual components, but also disipate heat whilst providing the optimum support. Available asindividual,stackable tiers,the Q utest Stand System ’s m odular design, means levels can either be bought individualy as the system grows, or to provide a neat and elegant solution for the three-com ponent com plete system (asyou can see to the right).
Q utestbynam e… In addition to clas-leading electronics, the Q utest range is entirely designed, engineered and m anufactured in the UK. The com ponents are precision-m achined from aircraft-grade aluminium before being anodised byhand forahigh-quality, lasting Jet Black finish. A three-year waranty bringsadded peace ofm ind to this award-winning and highly versatile com pactcom bination.
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