ChordO hm icSpeakerCable Connectors
Chord Company factory-quality speaker cable term inationsfrom participating branchesofAudio T with the ChordO hm ic Hex Gun crim ping tool,the A/V and CIinstalers’new bestfriend. Chord Com panyisenabling itscustom ersto obtain factory-quality speaker cable term inations from an increasing num berofitsUK dealers(including Audio T),thanks to the rol-out ofthe ChordO hm ic Hex Guncrim ping tool,aprecisioninstrum entcapableof delivering consistent term inations every tim e.The scheme enables consumers to bypas the production queue atthe com pany’sW iltshire factory and also negatesthe need forexisting cablesto be returned to base forupgrading. The ChordOhm icHexGun m akesitpos ible foran expanding group of Chord Com pany retailers to profes ionaly term inate new speaker cables to factory standards;existing cables can also benef it from the upgrade.Alcablesare neatlyf inished with the recentlylaunched ChordO hm icbananaorspade plugs, plus the Chord Com pany ‘trousers’ where specif ied. Chord Com pany speakerconnectorsare
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