now plated with ChorAloy – the com pany’s latest plating m aterial - for a sonicaly superior and tarnish-free finish. Fuly trained and certified to term inate al speaker cables from the wide-ranging portfolio, selected Audio T storescan quicklyand easilycreate bespoke lengths(bothin-storeand on-site)forawiderangeof applications. From hi-fi and home cinema instalations to comprehensive multi-room CI projects, dealers can now ofer ‘just right’ cable lengths that not only ofer that bespoke look but save m oneyon unneces arym etreage. Alan Gibb, Chord Com pany’s m anaging director said, “ Historicaly,crim ping hasunfairly been seen as a fast, com prom ised term ination option for cable connectors; conversely, this is the termination standard for military and other high-spec connections. Folowing a 10-year project,wehaveoptim ized ourChordO hm icplugs and silver-plated copper cables to give a far superiorlong-term connection overourprevious soldered connectors. ”
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