SolidsteelSS Series
W ith alitspartsalreadyprepared forproces ing, the average production welding tim e ofa single stand isabout15 m inutes, These characteristics m ake them inim itable and unique. The SS standsare also supplied with “Pata-fix® ” for the junction between the top plate and loudspeaker.Floorprotecting discsare included. Available in 3 sizesand 3 colourfinishes(powder black,powderwhite and RAW lacquered steel).
It is of criticalim portance for the perform ance of m onitor-type loudspeakersto have them positioned at the corect height.A great speaker deserves a carefuly designed and sonicaly transparent stand. Additionaly, since this type of speaker is often relativelylightin weightcom pared to floor-standing units, it is es entialto m aintain high stabilty and rigidity. And, as with al components, proper decoupling m ustbe considered. The SolidsteelSS Seriestri-pod design ofersnatural stabilty free from rocking. The three tubular supports are com bined with crim ped steel bars carefulybras welded byexperthandsatourfacilty in Pescara, Italy. The stainles steel spikes are removable to alow the frame to be filed with dam ping m aterial. Decoupling between the chas is and the top shelf is achieved through three high precision steelbal bearings.The originality ofthe design ofthese legendary products dates back to 1992.
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