Insane Perform ance atitsSize and Price HT/1003 M KI a.k.a. TheHammer
Specif ications Type Closed box,front-firing driver Active DriverSize & M aterial 10”,250m m long-throw, CarbonGlas TM cone structure, inverted carbon fibre dustcap, steelchas is Low FrequencyExtension -6dB at24Hz InputConnectors Dualpurpose Low LevelStereo RCA orLFE RCA O utputConnectors Daisychain Low Levelstereo RCA orLFE RCA PowerOutput 300wats(RM S) Am plif ierType NextGen5 Clas D Wireles Capability HT AirW ireles (O ptional), Zero Com pres ion Single Large Scale Integrated Chip W xHxD,Including Feet& Rear PanelControls
Buy an HT/1003 M KI ifyou don’thave the space or don’tneed the extra outputofourlargerm odels.Itis sim ply a m ore com pactbutjustasbeautifulversion of ourlargerm odels;itdeliversidenticalbuild qualityto its siblings.Itsstyle m akesitan idealpartnerin HT/3D REL theatre setupswith Serie T/x. The al-new 300W Clas D am plifier ofers greater headroom and powers a new CarbonGlas™ 10” (250m m )driver.This com bination delivers devastating output,playing twiceasloud astheoriginal.Thistypeof perform ance isunheard ofatthisprice point.The icing on the cake is that— like al the new HTs— itresponds beautifuly when playing m usic and HT-Air delivers state-of-the-art(optional)wireles .
14.25 x13.25 x15.25” (362 x343 x387m m ) Finish
HorizontalyO riented Lined Grained BlackCom posite Cabinet,15m m Top Plate, finished in 5 coatsofHand rubberHigh Glos BlackLacquer
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