Music at Home+ Autumn 2022

Youknow thathi-fisaboutm orethanjustthesound. It'saboutthe experience,and the freedom to create your listening space in your own unique way.It's abouthow you listen to it,where you listen to it,and who you listen with.So,when itcom esto finding a hi-firack thatm eets yourunique needs,there’s no room forcom prom ise.It’stim e to gain back control overyourlistening experience,and getthe sound you’ve alwayswanted -from the ground up. That'swhy we created the TotusHi-FiRack,to give you com plete choice overexactly how you wantto configure your listening space. W ith ultim ate flexibilty for every aspect of your hi-fi rack, our unique m odulardesign givesyou com plete control over your rack’s design for custom isation at every step ofthe way. Begin with yourchoice ofsolid hardwood orour m inim alistsolid oak finishes,m atching yourexisting furniture orcreating a stand-outcentrepiece.Next, inputyourbespokedim ensionsto seam les lyfityour com ponentsoravailable space in any width,depth orheight.Because,atHi-FiRacks,we believe that one size doesn'tfital. Create yourunique listening space w ith com plete freedom .

Selectfrom round orsquare legs with optional SONISPIKE© precision-engineered stainles steelisolation spikes,orchoose bolted legs for additional stabilty with larger and heavier set-ups. Regularly need to m ove your rack around in yourhom e,ofice orstudio? W antto hide yourcables,oradd an extra acousticboost for sensitive audio equipm ent? Add castors, cable m anagem ent,isolation plinths,and m ore. But what’s flexibilty without perform ance? The Totus Hi-Fi Rack is precisionengineered to optim ise the quality ofyouracoustics,with every piece ofsolid hardwood bonded with the grain, concave to convex, and LINK4© Connection Technology preventing the chain reaction of frequencies from one tier to the next.Freeing yourm usic by counteracting residualresonance and vibrations for crystal clear clarity, you’l experience a widened, im m ersive soundstage, with everynuance and com plexityuncovered. W ith Totus,there’s no lim itto whatyou can do with yourset-up -it’sthe com plete choice .



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