In 2017 Dynaudio celebrated itsfortieth birthday. There wasa lotoftasty cake,m uch celebrating… and an al-new speaker.SpecialForty has been wowing earsaloverthe world eversince. There’s som ething satisfying about anniversary speakers, isn’t there? They sit apart som ehow. There’s always som ething rather diferent about them –whetherthat’stheirfinish,theirinnards,their perform ance… SpecialForty ticked al three ofthose boxes atits launch. There had been noises about it being a lim ited-edition run,butitgained such an am azing reputation – and so quickly – thatthose noises fel silent, and Dynaudio decided to keep m aking it. You’l be happy they did; the com pany’s trophy shelves aren’tgroaning underthe weightofal the SpecialFortyawardsfornothing. And now there are two beautifulnew finishes.Black Vineisastriking contrastofdarkveneershotthrough
with vivid orange, while Ebony W ave is a captivatingly sinuous take on the clasic hardwood. Both veneersare m an-m ade to Dynaudio’sspecs, ensuring total consistency between pairs of speakers.And the leveloffinish pos ible issim ply astonishing –theylookassm oothasglas ,and as lustrousasapiece ofluxuryantique furniture.Just asyou’d expectfrom anation ofdesign-fanatics. Behind the m usic Of course, Special Forty wouldn’t be an anniversary edition if it didn’t include som e of Dynaudio’sgreatesthits.Butthe com pany didn’t justgetthe old band back together:itrem ixed, rem astered and rearanged thingsto bring those old favouritestotalyup to date. In the Esotar Forty soft-dom e tweeter, the Dynaudio Labs team have tweaked airflow,
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