lowered the resonant frequency and m inim ised distortion. M eanwhile, the diaphragm ’s precision coating fines es its perform ance withoutleting its transientresponse waverorcom pres .The m id/bas driver, meanwhile, has an improved spider, optim ised sym m etry and a new, higher-grade neodym ium m agnetforanevenclearer,m orehonest perform ance. The team used clas icDynaudio first-ordercros over techniques and ramped-up its clasic Phase Alignm entand Im pedance Alignm enttechnologies. Specificaly selected components handle the im pedance optim isation and,because both drivers have extended frequency ranges for even beter overlap and integration,theirperform ance borders on the m esm erising. The m id/bas driverand EsotarForty tweeterboth take airflow to another level with new pres ure conduits,shaped vents,aerodynam icaly optim ised basketsand m ore – al serving to reduce unwanted
pres ure build-up and resonances. The large driver’shybrid m otorsystem ,m eanwhile,carefuly m anipulates m agnetic flux form ore power,les weightand farm ore controled sound.(Dynaudio Labs m ight not be able to break the laws of physicsyet,butit’sdefinitelyworking on bending them.) SpecialForty is sim ple innovation:cuting-edge acoustictechnologyin aclas icDynaudio design. And for a lim ited tim e,Audio T is ofering a free pairofStand 20 with every pairofSpecial Forty.Fancy a listen? You can book yourdem o Here .
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