New Bluesound Powernode brings Hi-resaudio to awiderm arket
August31stsaw the announcem entofthe new POW ERNODE EDGE (N230), which goes on generalrelease in O ctober. W ith a new,sm aler footprintand lowerprice-tag of£599,theN230is aimed at those looking for an afordable entry-point to the world of Hi-res stream ing, without com prom ising on audio quality. It is equaly aim ed atthe custom instal m arketalso, with its half-rack,1U stackable form alowing for thedeploym entof2zonesper1U intherack,and the supplied wal-m ount m eaning it can sit behind aTV onthewal,connecting byeARC and feeding pasive soundbars or architectural speakers,forexam ple. “The feature-setisalm ostidenticalto the N330” said KeirLivock,BluO S ChannelM anagerforUK DistributorAnatech “Butthe 230 isusing a m ore cost-efectiveDAC and am plifier.At40W FDP it’s rated athalfthe powerofthe N330,so the 330 is probablystila beteroption ifyou’re looking to drive large or particularly thirsty speakers. For
m anyusersthough who wantan entrypointto ‘just add speakers’ stream ing at an ac es ible price, EDGE wilhave everything you need –eARC,2 way AptX HD, Airplay 2, and ac es to al the usual stream ing services. And itsoundsfantastic.”
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