Sennheiser’s MOMENTUM range continues to redefine the standard for sophisticated listening through superiorsound.Now,the audio specialist’s new M O M ENTUM 4 W ireles raises the bar even higher,withSennheiser’sSignatureSound,advanced Adaptive Noise Cancelation and exceptional com fort.W ith sm art,intuitive features thatenhance everyinteraction and up to 60-hoursofbaterylife, there’s nothing between you and an incredible listening experience.W hysetle forles ? Experience superiorsound,heareverydetail The MOMENTUM experience starts with Sennheiser’s Signature Sound that surpases everything in itsclas – leting you enjoyyourm usic as never before. The audiophile-inspired 42m m transducersystem delivers briliantdynam ics,clarity and musicality. Sennheiser’s next generation Adaptive N oise Cancelation autom aticalyadaptsto am bientnoise so you can stay im m ersed – hearing everythriling detaileven in noisyenvironm ents. Som etim es,m ore awarenes of outside sounds is useful–forexam ple when you need to talkto others withoutrem oving yourheadphonesorpreferto stay aware ofyoursuroundings on a busy street.Just activate the versatile Transparency M ode ata touch to hearoutside sounds through yourheadphones. Aseveryone hastheirown wayofperceiving sound, it’salso pos ible to custom ize the sound to personal preferences using the Built-in EQ orsound m odes via the SennheiserSm artControlApp.New to the M OM ENTUM range,the app now providesaSound Personalization feature that aseses your preferencesand alowsyou to personalize the audio to your specific taste. Thanks to Bluetooth 5.2 com patibilty and autom atic selection of the best available audio codec,flawles wireles listening is asured. W hetherconnecting with friends,dialing into work m eetings, or interacting with voice as istants, the MOMENTUM 4 Wireles makes cals incredibly natural.ItsDigitalBeam form ing M icrophone system em ploys2m icsoneachearcup and advanced digital signal proces ing to ensure high quality voice pick-up and autom atic wind noise suppres ion for clearercalsthatensure you can hearand be heard withoutdisturbance.
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