Enjoyexceptionalcom fort The M O M ENTUM 4 W ireles defines elegance with its al-new design that perfectly balances exceptional com fort and stream lined style. For al-dayusewithoutfatigue,itcom bineslightweight with a richly padded headband and deep cushioned earpads. M eanwhile, the low-friction hinge m echanism easilyadjuststo give you agreat fitwithoutplacing exces pres ure on yourhead. The fold-flatdesign isalso com fortable when worn around theneckand canbeeasilyslipped into your bag in the ultraslim case when you’re on the go. An efortles lysm artuserexperience W herever you go,the M OM ENTUM 4 W ireles ensuresthere’snothing to stand in the wayofyour
listening pleasure.W ith an outstanding baterylife with up to 60 hours and fastcharging capabilty thatcan provide a further6 hourslistening in just 10 m inutes,itkeepsthe entertainm entcom ing for long listening ses ions and long-haultravelalike. Every interaction is efortles , and every need anticipated:Sm artPause haltsplayback when the headphones are taken of and resum es when placed back on the ears,so you’l neverm is a beat,while Auto O n/O f rapidly powers up the headsetwhen it’s picked up and shuts down to save energy when not in use. The touchpad interface com bined with voice and sound prom pts m ake controling m usic,cals and voice as istants intuitive and easyto navigate.Setup isalso sim ple thanks to Bluetooth device m anagem ent that alows m ultiple devices to be connected at the sam e tim e.
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